Tradition Custom Forged Carbon Damascus Steels

TRADITION Custom Forged Carbon Steel Damascus. The steels combined to make this product, are well known, work very well together combining the essential factors of good edge retention and great contrast after etching.
The steels used for forge welding are C100 and 15N20.
The steel is delivered in the soft annealed (approximately 24 HRC) using a very exact heat treatment procedure. Therefore it is very easily workable (sawing, drilling, grinding). The standard finish is ground clean with a plus tolerance. Black as coined, unground stock is available on request for blade smiths
The available sizes are currently 30 x 3 mm, 40 x 2.5, 40 x 3 and 40 x 4 mm.
Patterns available:

Heat treatment procedure:
This carbon steel Damascus has an uncomplicated heat treatment procedure.
When you are working with an external heat treating company, please make sure the hardening protocol is followed. The absence of oxygen will prevent decarburization.
Heat 830 - 850 ° (1526 – 1562 F) (preferably in protective environment (vacuum) and cool in oil.
Heat between 180°C (356F) and 250°C (482F) for two hours in protective environment (vacuum) and then cool in air.
180°C (356F) = 61/62 HRC (670/688 HB)
Maximum hardness before tempering is 66 HRC (736+ HB)
Soft Annealing:
720°C for one hour, cooling slow in oven. Protective environment (vacuum) is optional but preferred.
The maximum achievable hardness when optimally hardened is 61 HRC (670 HB).
To enhance the visibility of the patterns the most commonly used method is etching. Beautiful contrasts are achieved using sulphuric acid (H2SO4). Please be very careful when using acids! Polish to a high finish, thoroughly degreasing and slow etching for the best results. Neutralize the acids with sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) dissolved in water.
Another medium for etching Tradition Carbon Damascus could be etching in very strong and hot instant coffee. It works well, and it’s friendly to work with! Just rinse off the coffee when desired contrast achieved. Always dry off well, and apply a thin film of oil after working.